violin and piano or solo violin, or cello and piano
4 minutes 30 seconds
for Daniel Heifetz
Bracha is a musical interpretation of the Jewish concept of blessing. The Hebrew word bracha is related to breycha, which means pool of water, or flowing stream. In this composition, it is interpreted as a stream of Divine goodness flowing downward into the world. The opening gesture represents this stream in its flowing melodic descent. As the piece progresses and the blessing is received, other melodies emerge in response to this influx of grace. Toward the end of the composition, the opening melody turns upwards, as a blessing fully received on earth returns its flow (shefa) into the upper worlds (olamot).
— Meira Warshauer
Elijah’s Violin, Warshauer’s family opera, features Bracha as its magical violin theme.
Listen and View the Score