The Allentown Symphony, Diane Wittry, Music Director/Conductor, will perform Call of the Cicadas from Symphony No. 1, now published as a standalone composition, in February, 2020. Maestra Wittry will present five performances as part of the orchestra’s Go Green educational outreach program. More about the February 22, 2020 performance at https://www.millersymphonyhall.org/calendar/event/752/.
Hear Meira’s recent interview about the Symphony with South Carolina Public Radio’s Bradley Fuller at www.southcarolinapublicradio.org/post/living-breathing-earth-warshauers-first-makes-musical-case-planet and the profile by Aileen LeBlanc for PRI’s Living on Earth at www.pri.org/stories/2007-04-27/living-breathing-earth. Full score, program notes, and recording here.